Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What's for Dinner?

It seems like I'm always asking my friend Brandi this question. Yet it seems we both struggle every day with what to make our boys for dinner. We want to make sure they're eating healthy, organic, home cooked food, but then 4:00 pm rolls around and we're off scrambling trying to put something together that is balanced and something they'll actually eat.

I try to buy organic foods, fresh vegetables and whole grains, but I still feel like I feed him the same things over and over again. I'm really trying for a varied diet and foods with different textures. I try and try again, but still get stumped. If you read my earlier post about being a baker, you'll understand that dinners can sometimes require improvising - something I'm not good at. Ask my poor Dad. He once ate "tomato chicken" when I was home from college. I can't just throw things together and get some masterpiece for dinner. Sadly, it's just not who I am.

I suppose it's also because he's a baby - he's only 10 1/2 months, and he's still getting teeth. So, our options aren't exactly wide open, but I do try really hard for variety.

I think the whole feeding the baby thing is another mom guilt trap. Just like from birth - breastfeeding or bottle feeding? Once again we moms are wrapped up in the worry about making sure our kids are getting the best start at life as well as the best continued nourishment as they continue developing and growing. And so we worry, again, and always.

I try my best though. I text mom friends for ideas and read my cookbooks. After all the research, I come up with some fantastic new recipe for chicken. Oh yes, it truly is as exciting as it sounds...

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